Thank you for taking 2 minutes to share with us feedback on policy issues that matter most to you and your business. This will help us best work together to represent your needs.

Question Title

* 1. How important are the following policy issues to you and your business?

  Not at all important Low importance Neutral Important Very important
Safe gathering (policies that provide infrastructure and resources to help event organizers create safe events)
Financial relief (programs that provide assistance to event organizers during challenging times, such as during COVID-19)
Online access and connectivity (legislation supporting reliable, fast, and cost-effective online access)

Question Title

* 2. Would you be willing to call or email your government representative (such a Senator or a member of the House of Representatives) to show your support for the policy issues you rated important or very important?

Question Title

* 3. Would you be willing to meet with your government representative to discuss policy issues that matter to you?