
Thank you for taking part in Business SA's short survey regarding industry skills requirements for State-nominated skilled migration. Skill shortages can hinder your growth and make it harder to compete at a state, national and international level.

Annually the South Australian Government nominates approximately 2,400 skilled migrants for a State-nominated visa, with the ultimate visa granted by the Federal Government. The South Australian Government primarily nominates skilled migrants whose occupation is on the State-Nominated Occupation List (SNOL). The SNOL intends to reflect skill shortages and skills in demand in South Australia.

The following nine questions give you the opportunity to comment on skill shortages in your industry and the potential for skilled migrants to fill those shortages. Your response will assist Business SA's submission to the Department of State Development. The Department of State Development will use this skill demand information to determine the 2018-19 SNOL.

If you currently engage skilled migrants to address skill shortages in your industry we encourage your feedback. Occupations on the 2017-18 SNOL are not guaranteed to remain on the 2018-19 SNOL; continued demand for skills must be demonstrated.