Register your interest in a workshop

We will be running workshops to get more feedback on an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander knowledge and culture centre in Redfern. If you would like to be involved, please register your interest and we will be in touch.

Question Title

* 1. I am interested in attending a workshop and the following times work best (select all that apply)
*We cannot guarantee there will be workshops running at all these times

Question Title

* 2. I identify as (select the ones that apply to you)

Question Title

* 3. Let us know your Mob/Nations (optional)

Question Title

* 4. Please provide your contact information.

Question Title

* 5. The next question is for organisations only

Contact information will be held by the City of Sydney and not shared with any third parties, in line with the City's Privacy Management Plan.
Privacy and personal information protection notice

Purpose: Collect community feedback on a local Aboriginal knowledge and culture centre in Redfern.

Recipients: City of Sydney staff/contractors.

Supply: Voluntary.

Access/Correction: City of Sydney, 456 Kent St, Sydney, 9265 9333.

Storage: Council's record management system in line with our privacy management plan. Responses are stored temporarily on a third-party service called SurveyMonkey (terms of use and privacy policy).