This survey contains 26 questions about life in the region, including questions about quality of life, public facilities and services, natural and environmental resources, parks and recreation, and transportation. Please note that the first 4 questions are required. It is recommended that this survey be completed on a computer or tablet rather than a mobile phone.

Below are some common definitions of terms that may be used in the survey.

Open Space: Land or water that is undeveloped (free from residential, commercial, industrial, or institutional use). Open Spaces can be either private or publicly owned and include areas such as forests, agricultural fields, public parks and preserves, and coastal lands.
Greenway: A greenway is a corridor of open space that may connect people, parks, historic sites, and natural areas. They can incorporate both public and private property, and can be land- or water-based. Greenways may include recreation amenities such as trails, or they may be free from human development for the purpose of wildlife preservation.
Wildlife Corridor: A strip of natural habitat connecting populations of wildlife otherwise separated by cultivated or developed land. Wildlife corridors may go underneath roadways or be a bridge above them.
Trails: Trails are small paved or unpaved paths not intended for use by motorized vehicles. Trails may exist in greenways, parks, and other open spaces.
State Park: An area that is owned and protected by the state due to its natural beauty, historic importance, or recreational availability. State parks typically undergo preservation management and do not allow for the extraction of natural resources. State parks often have visitor amenities and facilities such as campgrounds, picnic areas, and hiking trails.
State Forest: State forests may also have recreation opportunities such as hiking and hunting, however they are primarily protected and maintained for timber or other natural resource extraction. While camping is allowed in Pennsylvania state forests, they do not have camping facilities such as water, dump stations, or utility hook-ups.
Game Lands: Game lands are state-owned natural areas managed for wildlife habitat that allow hunting, trapping, and fishing. Game lands do not allow camping or the use of motorized vehicles (by land or water) on areas outside of roadways.
Conservation: Conservation protects the environment through the responsible use of natural resources. Conservation aims to foster a healthier relationship between human activity and the environment through more sustainable practices while still allowing the extraction of natural resources.
Preservation: Preservation protects the environment from harmful human activity. Preservation typically means setting aside areas of land that are either human-free, free of obvious human influence (like roads or buildings), or whose sole inhabit

Question Title

* 1. In what municipality do you reside and/or own property?

Question Title

* 2. Are you:

Question Title

* 3. How long have you lived in the region?

Question Title

* 4. How many members of your household fit the following age categories (including yourself)?


Question Title

* 5. How would you describe the overall quality of life in the region (quality of life is defined as the level of well-being or lifestyle and the conditions in which you live)?

Question Title

* 6. Why did you choose to live in your community (select up to three)?

Question Title

* 7. Which 3 of the following do you believe are the most important to the quality of life in the region?

Question Title

* 8. What is the main thing you believe would improve the quality of life in the region (Please list one)?

Question Title

* 9. What educational, entertainment, or cultural opportunities do you value most in the region, and what additional elements would you like to see in the region?

Question Title

* 10. Other than a change in employment, what might cause you to leave the region (select up to three)?

Question Title

* 11. Please indicate how you feel each of the land uses below should be managed in the region?

  Promote Development Maintain Current Levels of Development Limit Further Development No Opinion
Age-Restricted Housing (55+)
Agricultural Uses
Assisted Living/Long-Term Care
Child Daycare
Home Businesses
Large-Scale Commercial (Shopping)
Light Industrial Uses
Low-Income Housing
Mixed Residential/Commercial Uses
Multi-Family Residential
Offices or Office Park
Small-Scale Commercial
Single-Family Residential

Question Title

* 12. Given that the same number of lots would be built on a given piece of land, which of the following development patterns would you prefer to see in the region (select up to three)?

Question Title

* 13. How do you view the following housing-related statements?

The region should...

  Agree Disagree No Opinion 
Promote restoration of historic houses
Encourage more diverse housing types (e.g. townhomes, twins, apartments)
Encourage more age-restricted housing
Encourage more affordable housing
Encourage more rental housing
Encourage new building

Question Title

* The following question (14) is divided into two parts. Select the appropriate response for each of the listed services.

14A. Rate these facilities or services in terms of meeting the needs of area residents:

  Adequate Inadequate No Opinion
Ambulance Services
Cell Phone Connection/Coverage
Communication with Area Residents
Community Centers and Events
Electric Service
Fire Protection
Historic Preservation
Internet Service
Maintenance of State Roads
Maintenance of Township Roads
Open Space Preservation
Parks and Recreation Services
Police Protection
Public Sewer Service
Public Transportation
Public Water Service
Sports Facilities
Traffic Control
Trash Removal

Question Title

* 14B. Which service would you support an increase in funding?

  Increase Funding  Do Not Increase Funding
Ambulance Services
Cell Phone Connection/Coverage
Communication with Area Residents
Community Centers and Events
Electric Service
Fire Protection
Historic Preservation
Internet Service
Maintenance of State Roads
Maintenance of Township Roads
Open Space Preservation
Parks and Recreation Services
Police Protection
Public Sewer Service
Public Transportation
Public Water Service
Sports Facilities
Traffic Control
Trash Removal

Question Title

* 15. What services should be considered on the regional level vs. the municipal level to improve the quality of service and/or reduce cost?

  Regional Municipal
Police Protection
Road Maintenance/Snow Removal
Parks and Recreation
Trash Collection
Public Sewer
Public Water

Question Title

* 16. Which 3 of the following resources are most important to you in terms of regulation and protection?

Question Title

* 17. How satisfied are you with the open space protection in the region?


Question Title

* 18. What types of parks and recreation facilities would you like to see provided or expanded in the region?

Question Title

* 19. How would you rate the availability of recreational programs for the listed groups?

  Not Enough Right Amount Too Much Don't Know
Elementary Students
Middle School Students
High School Students
Young Adults (19 to 29 Years)
Adults (30 to 65 Years)
Mature Adults (66+ Years)
People with Disabilities
Overall Availability of Programs

Question Title

* 20. Where do you think the municipality should focus its parks, recreation, and conservation efforts in the future (select up to three)?

Question Title

* 21. Please provide your overall impression of the existing local parks in the region.

  Excellent  Good  Fair Poor Not Familiar with the Parks
Facilities Available

Question Title

* 22. What one thing do you think would improve the parks and recreation in the region?


Question Title

* 23. What areas in the region do you find most problematic, dangerous, or in need of improvement? This could be parks, commercial sites, neighborhoods, roads, intersections, etc.

Question Title

* 24. Which, if any, of the following public or alternative transportation options would you like to see made available or expanded in the region?

Question Title

* 25. What other transportation improvements do you feel are needed in the region?


Question Title

* 26. Please use the space below to offer any other concerns you would like to express about the future or current state of your community or the region.