Question Title

* 1. Entry Plaza: We are trying to get a feel for what type of entry plaza you would like the most. Please rank the examples in order from best to least favored by assigning numbers from 1 to 4 in the dropdown menu. (1 = Favorite;  2 = Second Favorite;  3 = Third Favorite;  4 = Least Favorite)

Please note: You can only use each ranking once. For example, if you rank an answer "1" and then rank another answer "1” as well, the survey tool will erase your first “1” ranking and you will have to enter a new ranking.

Question Title

* 2. Avalon Promenade Open Space: Should the open space area feature more active or passive spaces? Please check the type you would like the most.

Question Title

* 3. Pedestrian Bridge: Now, what bridge type did you like the most? Please rank them in order from best to least favored by assigning numbers from 1 to 5 in the dropdown menu. (1 = Favorite;  2 = Second favorite;  3 = Third Favorite;  4 = Fourth Favorite;  5 = Least Favorite)

Please note: You can only use each ranking once. For example, if you rank an answer "1" and then rank another answer "1” as well, the survey tool will erase your first “1” ranking and you will have to enter a new ranking.

Question Title

* 4. Parking: Where do you think the best parking location would be?

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* 5. Commercial Opportunities: Would you like to see commercial opportunities?

Question Title

* 6. History & Education: What type of information would you like to be included along the Avalon Promenade? Please check the one that is the most important to you.

Question Title

* 7. Additional Comments:

Question Title

* 8. Please provide your name and email address to receive updates on the project. (optional)