AuSable Township Public Input Survey

The AuSable Township Planning Commission requests your input on future planning for recreational, housing, community services and economic development as they update the Master and Recreational Plans for 2025. This survey will take a few minutes of your time, but it will help the formation of the Township for years to come! Deadline to complete survey is March 31, 2025.
1.Enter the age of the members of your household, including yourself.
Person 2
Person 3
Person 4
Person 5
Person 6
Under 5
5 - 18 years old
19 - 25 years old
26 - 45 years old
46 - 65 years old
65 -75 years old
76 years and over
2.What is your interest in AuSable Township? Check all that apply
3.How long have you owned property or lived in AuSable Township?
4.Select the important factors for relocating here or for living here in general?
5.Should recreational areas be encouraged within the Township?
6.Should residential area be connected to employment and shopping areas with bike paths, sidewalks, or other non-motorized transportation options?
7.Select the types of recreational facilities would you like to have available in the Township?
8.Has shoreline erosion affected you or your property?
9.How would you rate the Township's efforts to protect the natural environment?
10.How often do you use the following Township owned recreation facilities?
2+ times/week
Shoreline Park
Children's Park
Harbor Street Boat Ramp
Finish Line Park
Old AuSable River Walk/Ski Path at the Senior Center
McCuaig Park
11.What recreational activities do you and your family enjoy?
12.Solar and wind energy facilities are typically located on farmland (large, flat areas). The average current acreage of a solar energy facility is between 800-1,300 acres and wind energy facilities require a large area. Please tell us how you feel about the following statements regarding this type of development.
I feel that solar & wind energy are necessary for the future.
I enjoy viewing solar energy facilities.
I enjoy viewing wind energy facilities.
I am concerned about the loss of farmland.
I am concerned about the loss of rural vistas.
I am concerned about the noise of inverters used in solar energy facilities.
I feel that landowners should be able to enter into leases with solar or wind energy facilities to maximize profit on their land.
I am concerned about battery storage at solar energy facilities.
I am concerned about the large footprint of solar and wind facilities.
I am concerned about the loss of wildlife habitat due to solar and wind energy facilities.
13.How would you rate the recreational programs offered by the Township?
14.How would you rate the condition of the Township owned facilities of the Township?
Shoreline Park
Children's Park
Harbor Street Boat Ramp
Finish Line Park
Old AuSable River Walk/Ski Path at the Senior Center
McCuaig Park
15.What additional types of recreational programs would you like the municipality to offer?
16.Mark any of the following forms of public transportation that you use:
17.As a resident would you approve a small assessment for the improvement of Township roads?
18.Arecommercial trucks or is truck routing a problem in the township?
19.Please rate the importance of the following transportation goals:
Not Important
Maintaining existing roads
Providing more paved roads
Traffic safety (guardrails, crosswalks, intersections, signage, signals, striping)
Paving the shoulders for safer non-automobile travel
Providing pedestrian access to beach and lakefront areas
Establishing new snowmobile trails
Establishing nature trails
Establishing bicycle trails
Establishing new ski trails
Providing all-inclusive access trails
Traffic bypasses
20.Do you support local financial incentives to attract and retain new jobs and businesses?
21.What businesses/services do you feel are missing?
22.If you were going to open a business today, would you do so here?
23.What is your employment status?
24.Are vacation rentals a problem in residential areas?
25.Do you feel that short-term rentals such as Airbnb or Vrbo should be held to a certain number?
26.Should there be a business process for Airbnb or Vrbo rentals?
27.Which of the following should be pursued when developing housing in the area?
28.Should the Township find and promote opportunities to encourage an increase in affordable housing?
29.How would you rate the current quality of life in the Township?
30.In general are you satisfied here as a place to live, own property, own a business or visit?
31.Do you feel that the health care services here are adequate?
32.Check the following area you are satisfied with:
33.How would you rate the overall quality of services provided by the Township government?
34.Should the township work collaboratively with surrounding municipalities to provide services and solve issues?
35.Do you visit the library?
36.Do you feel the Township need to enforce the Zoning Ordinance better?
37.Do you feel safe in the community?
38.In your opinion, are there any public safety services that should be provided by the Township? Check all that apply.
39.How long do you expect to wait before emergency services arrive at your location?
40.Are you aware of the safety procedures for the following weather related emergencies?
Severe Winds
Ice & Sleet Storms
Extreme Temperatures (heat & cold)