Implementation of Great Teachers and Leaders Act

Beginning in July 2013, and by July 1 of each year thereafter, the Colorado Department of Education (CDE) will collect an assurance from each school district and BOCES indicating that the district or BOCES is either implementing the state model evaluation system or is implementing its own distinctive personnel evaluation system that adheres to the requirements in statute (C.R.S. 22-9-106) and Colorado State Board of Education rules (1 CCR 301-87) for teachers, principals, and special services providers (SSPs).

Before beginning this form, please make sure you have the following information:
- Educator evaluation model used to evaluate teachers, principals, and all nine categories of SSPs;
- For those educators evaluated using the state model evaluation system, the weights assigned to the four professional practices quality standards defined in State Board rules;
- The implementation of the advisory personnel performance evaluation council (also referred to as the 1338 Committee); and
- The date by which all educators will be trained on the system that will be used for their evaluation.

Do not begin to enter your data into this form until you have all the information above because you will not be able to save your work and resume the form later.

If you should have any questions while completing your assurances, please contact the Educator Talent Research and Impact team at

Question Title

EDAC Stamp.  Mandatory, Form # EE-101, EDAC Reviewed 03/22/2024 for 2024-2025