Bi-Annual Activity Report

As you know, INTA fully supports Mediation and ADR. It is critical that we implement a consistent and continuous reporting procedure for all Panel of Trademark Mediators, regardless of the source of the mediation (trademark or non-trademark) -- whether its an INTA referral, court referral, client, colleague or other referral -- we need to know if you are mediating disputes. This information is required for the next re-appointment season in the Fall of 2016, and is necessary for INTA to evaluate and review in order for the Panel of Trademark Mediators to continue to receive INTA’s support.

Accordingly, at least twice (2x) per year, each panel member shall be asked to answer the following questions either (a) by clicking on this link to print out a PDF form to fill out and return to; or (b) completeing this online survey.

Please know we do not want confidential information about your mediations. We ask only that you provide the general, aggregate information in your answers in order to maintain mediator confidentiality.

We thank you in advance for your cooperation and best regards.