Learning series on disability inclusion at work

Thank you for participating in our #AbleTo tap into talent learning series.  We are looking for your feedback on the learning content and experience provided.  Please take a few minutes to answer our six questions!

Question Title

* Q1. I participated in the learning, primarily as:

Question Title

* Q2. Please indicate for which full course or individual module(s) you are providing feedback (check all that apply):

Question Title

* Q3. Please provide your feedback on the learning content and overall experience.

  Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly agree
I was satisfied with the course content overall
The course content enhanced my knowledge of the subject matter
The course content was pertinent to my job
The course content provided content that is relevant to my work environment
The learning platform was easy to use and engaging
I would recommend this learning series to others

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* Q4. Please let us know what you like best about the learning content and experience.

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* Q5. Please share any suggestions to improve our learning content or experience.

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* Q6. How are you going to use what you have learned today?  Do you think that this learning series will help you or others "move the needle" on disability inclusion?  Please explain.

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* OPTIONAL - Our funder is interested in how we have engaged under-represented groups in our project.  As you are comfortable doing so, please indicate whether you self-identify with any of the following groups:

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* Thank you for completing our survey - please provide your name and email address if you would like to receive more information (optional)!