Question Title

* 1. How long have you used Alteryx?

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* 2. What Developer Communities have you participated in, if any?

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* 3. Rank the following Developer Community components in order of importance. 1 - most important to 8 - least important
*please note: not everything in this list is available today.

Question Title

* 4. Please select the extent to which you agree/disagree with the following statements.

  Strongly Agree Agree Indifferent Disagree Strongly Disagree
The Developer Community will become a resource for my learning.
I will use the Dev Space forum to ask questions.
I'm excited to share what I've built with the Community.
I want to see how my peers have extended the use of the Alteryx Platform.
Macros do not belong on the Developer Community.
The Developer area fits the Alteryx Community brand.
I'm looking forward to getting feedback from the Community.

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* 5. What's something you would expect to find in the Alteryx Developer Community that is not available today?

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* 6. Additional Comments:

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* 7. If you are willing to be contacted with questions around your feedback, please enter your email address.