1. Introduction

Greetings, Alaska Young Fishermen's Summit "alumni":

Hope this finds each of you well!

We are planning the seventh AYFS (December 6-8, 2017, in Anchorage), and we're seeking your feedback about how attending AYFS has affected your fishing operation, and how to keep improving the event. We'd like to know about changes you've made to your fishing businesses (new vessels, permit, direct marketing, etc.), how AYFS may have influenced those decisions, and how you may have expanded your professional networks.

This survey should take 10-15 minutes.

If you prefer to take this online, go to www.surveymonkey.com/r/AYFS10yrs

Thanks for your help.

Sunny Rice, Torie Baker & Julie Matweyou
Alaska Sea Grant AYFS coordinators

Question Title
