General Information

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* 1. What overall rating would you give the APHA Annual Meeting?

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* 2. What are the top three reasons you attend the APHA Annual Meeting?

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* 3. How would you rate your experience at the following activities

  Excellent Very Good Average Fair Poor Knew about but didn't attend Did not know about this activity
Industry Expert Theater (in the Expo)
Wellness Center
Opening General Session
Monday General Session
Closing General Session
Film Festival

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* 4. How would you rate the following efforts to green the annual meeting?

  Excellent Very Good Average Fair Poor Did not know about this activity
Selecting a sustainable venue
Providing access to healthy food
Promoting green hotels
Social media campaign during the annual meeting
Fact sheets linking sustainability efforts with climate change and public health

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* 5. This year, we asked attendees to indicate if they wanted to receive a bag when they registered. 50% of attendees did not want a bag. Do you think APHA should stop offering bags entirely?

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* 6. What type of continuing education credits do you need to maintain your license or certification, if any?

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* 7. In an effort to reduce our carbon footprint this year, we reduced the size of the printed program and asked attendees if they wanted a hard copy. Did the shortened program work for you?