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In 2019 the Australian government released Australia's Long Term National Health Plan.  This plan included the establishment and implementation of a 10-year plan for primary care - including access to genomics testing and the rollout of telehealth.

Subsequently, the Government established the Primary Health Reform Steering Group, charged with providing independent expert advice to guide the development of the Government’s Primary Health Care 10 Year Plan. 

The Steering Group has been developing its recommendations through a process of stakeholder consultation and has now released a discussion paper to gather feedback on their recommendations.  The discussion paper outlines 20 draft recommendations aimed at improving the delivery of primary health care in Australia.

To enable the digital health community to provide collective feedback into the Steering Group, the Australasian Institute of Digital Health (AIDH) has created this survey to solicit your views on the 20 recommendations.  Your anonymous responses will be collated to form the AIDH submission to the Steering Group. 

Primary healthcare is integral to everything we are working for in digital health and your input would be greatly appreciated. 

You can find the Discussion Paper here.

This survey closes on Friday 16 July.

Question Title

* 1. Are you responding on behalf of yourself or your organisation?

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* 2. In which State/Territory are you based for your primary role?

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* 3. Sector of healthcare in which you work or align

Question Title

* 4. Are you a financial member of the Australasian Institute of Digital Health?

0 of 25 answered