AFCC 14th Symposium on Child Custody
October 22-24, 2020
Planet Hollywood
Las Vegas, NV
Submission deadline: April 24, 2020

Proposals are being accepted for ninety-minute workshop sessions.

We strongly recommend you write your proposal in a word processing program and then paste each response into the submission form. This will mitigate the chance of data loss and you will have a copy of your submission (no copy of your submission is otherwise available). To begin submitting a proposal, scroll to the bottom of this page, respond to the three statements, then click "Next" to reach the pages where you will paste your proposal. Before proceeding, be sure to have the following information available:

1. The name and email address of the presenter who will coordinate your workshop.

2. A workshop title limited to 80 characters; please do not use ampersands to save space.

3. An abstract of up to 250 words describing your proposed workshop.

4. A program-ready description of your proposed workshop, written in third person (80-90 words) for the conference brochure. AFCC reserves the right to edit descriptions for consistency.

5. A description of the relevance of your workshop to the AFCC community (up to 250 words).

6. A description of the limitations of the proposed content, including contradictory perspectives and/or evidence.

7. For research proposals, include brief descriptions of your methodology, results, conclusions and applications for practice, policy implications, and future research (up to 250 words).

8. Describe how this workshop will help bring diversity to the association (up to 250 words).

9. Three recent citations (within the last 10 years) from the academic or professional literature that provide empirical support for your program. Please do not include newsletters, magazine articles, or links to websites. (Note: The proposal may be considered without answering this question, but it will not be eligible for continuing education for psychologists.)

10. Three learning objectives addressed by your proposed workshop. AFCC requires learning objectives for all sessions so we may offer continuing education for psychologists, lawyers, social workers, judges, counselors, mediators, and other professionals. Learning objectives are also included on session evaluations. Learning objectives must be observable and measurable, clear, and learner-focused. Verbs such as “identify,” “explain,” and “apply” are acceptable, whereas “understand” or “appreciate” are not acceptable.

11. Complete contact information for all proposed presenters. Upload a resume or CV for each presenter, or email resumes to Dawn Holmes at

12. Name and information for each presenter as it will appear in the program.

13. Name, telephone number, and email address of two professional references per workshop.

There is a maximum of four presenters per workshop (including moderators) and a maximum of two proposals per presenter. 

The deadline for proposals is April 24, 2020. AFCC is unable to guarantee consideration of incomplete proposals or those submitted after the deadline. Proposals must be submitted online using this form. Fax, mail, and email submissions will not be accepted.

AFCC strives to accept proposals from as many presenters as possible while also limiting presentations to one per person. This is not always possible; however, presenters submitting multiple proposals with different co-presenters often results in the rejection of one of the proposals, and therefore, the co-presenters.

AFCC offers a reduced registration rate for conference presenters, but is unable to reimburse for travel or related expenses.

Question Title

* 1. Presenter expense understanding

Question Title

* 2. Presenter information accuracy understanding

Question Title

* 3. Presenter availability understanding

Question Title

* 4. Please indicate if your workshop is intended for: