Professional Development Course Offerings

How do we help ESL students improve their listening comprehension? If students answer incorrectly to the standard listening comprehension questions, what remedies do we have? Research says the answer lies in connected speech. In this workshop, you will learn the features of connected speech, some helpful listening activities, and some pronunciation activities that will improve students’ listening comprehension. Learn how to incorporate connected speech instruction into the listening resources you already have and discover a few listening resources available for free! (4 Professional Development Hours)

Question Title

* Online registrations will close a week prior to workshop date. If you would like to register after this date, please email

Friday, March 9, 2018, from 12:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. (St. Louis)
International Institute of St. Louis
Hall of Nations Room
3401 Arsenal Street
St. Louis, MO 63118

Question Title

* Registration Information:

If you encounter any difficulty with registering, please contact Julie Boeckmann at 573-751-3469 or at