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33% of survey complete.
Participate in a focus group about celebratory drinking behaviors and you’ll receive a $20 gift card to the UVa Bookstore.  Regardless of your personal views on drinking and even if you do not drink alcohol, your participation in these focus groups is important to gain a more in depth understanding of the issues and help us create more effective education and prevention programs.

The focus groups will take place in September and will last about 90 minutes. You will be compensated with a $20 gift card to the UVa Bookstore for taking part in a focus group and pizza/beverages will be provided.

You will not be asked about your own drinking behaviors, but you will be asked about perceptions of other students’ drinking behaviors, safe or protective behaviors in which you or your friends engage and feedback on a prospective social norms marketing campaign.

If interested, please fill out the following survey, which is a part of this study.

Please note that not all students who fill out the survey will be selected to participate in the focus group. You will be contacted directly if you are selected to participate.

The data that will be collected from these focus groups are part funded by a grant from the Parents Committee.

Thank you very much for your contribution to this project. If you have any questions, please contact:

Aditya Narayan
ADAPT Intern