1. Welcome!

The Planning Committee for the Maine AmeriCorps Member Conference thanks you for submitting a proposal to present a workshop at this conference. This conference is for members--by members, and we appreciate you stepping up to share your experiences and expertise with the team!
The Committee will review and ranks all complete proposals submitted by the deadline, February 26th, 2024.  Highest ranked proposals are those that are unique, interesting, and relevant to AmeriCorps members.  There are up to 18 workshop slots; the highest ranking proposals will be selected.  The best proposals are those that involve things you are passionate about and that you want to share with others.  
If presenting isn't in your comfort zone, remember, all presenters are offered support in crafting their final presentation and assistance to make sure you are successful.  Also, you can co-present with one of your peers, a site staff member, or other individual of your choice.

This conference is the only statewide training for AmeriCorps members serving in Maine. It not only provides members with invaluable training, but it also provides them with a rare opportunity to network with each other on a statewide basis.

Below is an explanation of how the information you provided will be used and some instructions for completing all the fields.

The last page of this form has info about location, date, time, and key contacts. Please be sure to make note of these details before submitting the completed survey.
Please complete all the data in this form. Your session proposal and will be used three ways:

1) To provide information to the Conference Planning Committee for use in the proposal selection process;

2) To promote your workshop and to introduce you as a Presenter on the conference web site, registration information, conference program, and at the start of your workshop on April 3rd; and

3) To plan for hosting your presentation in the manner you need.
Before you start, be sure you have the following information handy (you may want to compose in a word processing document beforehand and cut/paste it into this form):

- Your ideas for your presentation, which should include session title, learning outcomes, and instructional method(s) or activities;
- Contact information and brief bios for all presenters; and
- Summary of the workshop for the registration form (300 character limit).

Should you need to save the info before completing it, this site will allow you to return to your form later IF you use the same computer.