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ABC's Thrive Framework sets forth research-based core elements to transform how students with disabilities are served in their schools. These 32 indicators empower leaders and educators to create authentically inclusive school communities and teams that work together to meet the unique needs of all learners.

To see how your program stacks up against others nationwide, complete this 10-15 minute self-assessment. You can either complete the survey on behalf of schoolwide practices or for your whole district depending on what is most helpful. 

After you submit your survey, we'll send you a personalized set of results and recommendations.  Your information will remain anonymous and will not be shared with anyone in any identifiable way - unless we have your written permission.

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* 2. Share your contact information with us so we can send you your results.

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* 3. How would you like to get your results?

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* 4. Check the box below if you'd like to be added to our newsletter mailing list to get the latest information on ABC events and news.