Win a ticket to the Australian Space Awards 2020! Five to be won!

Australian Space Awards 2020

Thursday 26 March, Four Seasons Hotel Sydney, 6.30pm

Complete the form below for your chance to attend this Black-tie event celebrating individuals and businesses driving the development of the nation’s Space economy. You’ll be able to network with the best and brightest in Australia’s Space industry.

Who can enter

Early and mid-career researchers (ie. less than 15 years since you completed your PHD, minus career breaks) – this is a competition just for you.

How to enter

In 300 words or less tell us why you are passionate about Space Science. Entries must be submitted online via the AARNet Space Awards 2020 Competition Entry Form below.

What you’ll win

AARNet (Australia’s Academic and Research Network) judges will award the five most compelling entries a ticket to the event with a seat at the eResearch community table hosted by AARNet. AARNet will also cover the cost of one return airfare and one night’s accommodation for competition winners who do not reside in Sydney.

Entries Close: 28 February 2020

Winners Announced: 5 March 2020

If you have any questions, please email events@aarnet.edu.au


Question Title

* 1. First Name

Question Title

* 2. Last Name

Question Title

* 3. Organisation

Question Title

* 4. Email

Question Title

* 5. Phone

Question Title

* 6. Tell us a bit about your research

Question Title

* 7. In 300 words or less tell us why you are passionate about Space Science