Considering an Advanced Degree in Nursing?

Is Doctoral Education right for you? Is there an advanced degree in your future? Many nurses and nursing students struggle to answer these questions. In our experience of advising, admitting and supporting doctoral students, we have found that many students face challenges during their program because they may have not asked themselves some critical questions about themselves, their personal situations, and their choice of graduate study. These questions may guide you towards assessing your situation and making informed choices about your future educational plans so that you can make all the right choices.

The following questions are intended to guide your self-assessment about your path to a doctoral degree in nursing.

Question Title

* 1. There are a lot of reasons why people consider advanced degrees in nursing. Please rate your level of agreement with each of the following statements:

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree
I want to advance my career. An advanced degree will open doors for me.
I want to change my career. I have a desire to work in a different setting, but I find I don't have the right background and credentials.
I'm curious and I want to learn more to be able to answer the questions in nursing that I would like to ask.
I would like to gain advanced education in theory, statistics, research methods, or care of patients.
My family/friends have strongly encouraged me to go back to school. I hear what they're saying, but I'm not sure if I'm totally on board with their thinking.
My employer has strongly encouraged me to go back to school. I hear what they're saying, but I'm not sure if I'm totally on board with their thinking.
An advanced degree will give me the confidence I need to accomplish my life's goals.
I want to have more influence when I voice my opinion.
I have a burning desire to help others, solve important problems, and do something fantastic with my life.