Annual Budget Workshop

Thank you for joining us in Sacramento for the Annual ACCCA/ACBO Governor's Proposed Budget Workshop! If you'll take a few moments to answer some brief questions, you'll help us prepare for next year's event.

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* 1. How did you first learn about the Budget Workshop?

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* 2. There are a lot of budget-related conferences, workshops and webinars. How would you rate the ACCCA/ACBO Budget Workshop compared to similar conferences?

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* 3. How organized was the event?

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* 4. How effective were the panels and presentations?

  Extremely effective Very effective Moderately effective Slightly effective Not at all effective Did not attend
2018-19 State Budget Analysis - Panel Presentation (Includes Q&A)
Chancellor Eloy Oakley - Budget Outlook
Keynote Address - Presented by Dr. Christopher Thornberg

Question Title

* 5. How useful was the information presented at each session?

  Extremely useful Very useful Moderately useful Slightly useful Not at all useful Did not attend
2018-19 State Budget Analysis - Panel Presentation (Includes Q&A)
Chancellor Eloy Oakley - Budget Outlook
Keynote Address - Presented by Dr. Christopher Thornberg

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* 6. Our 2018 budget panel included representatives of DOF, the Chancellor's Office, the Legislative Analyst's office, a Trustee and a District representative. What other perspectives, if any, do you feel would be helpful on future panels?

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* 7. If you want to elaborate on any of the speakers or content, you can do that here:

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* 8. Will you attend the Budget Workshop next year?

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* 9. Indicate if you agree with these statements:

  Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree N/A
The advance notification materials were sufficient & registration was easy
My time was well spent
I liked the format
The staff was helpful and I felt I was well taken care of

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* 10. What did you like best?

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* 11. What did you like least?

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* 12. What topics would you like to see addressed at the next program?

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* 13. Do you have a recommendation for a speaker at the next workshop?