
SCPA 2016 Annual Convention
April 8-9, 2016
Hilton Myrtle Beach Resort - Myrtle Beach, SC

Call for Papers: South Carolina Psychological Association is pleased to announce its 2016 Annual Convention Call for Proposals. SCPA's President, Dr. Robert Nelson encourages proposals for workshops, symposia, research papers, and posters from individuals in all settings representing psychology in South Carolina. The Program Committee especially welcomes program submissions relating to the convention's theme "Psychology of Healing and Love" and innovative and best practice treatments for those who have experienced trauma. Our goal is to provide another high quality professional development experience with a mix of traditional topics and speakers but also expanding our focus with speakers who are working in less traditional settings. The proposal submission receipt deadline is 5:00pm, Saturday, January 30th

Types of Programs

Workshops are programs based on teaching direct skills and practical application of theory to workshop participants. Workshops combine theoretical and experiential approaches to help participants increase their understanding and skills in a particular area of current interest in psychology. (2, 3, 4, 6 hours) Each person listed as a presenter must register for the Convention.

Symposia are focused panel discussions in which participants present their views about a common topic or theme. The format of a symposium usually contains an introduction to the topic background by the chairperson to facilitate the ensuing discussion. Participants then present their viewpoints, followed by interchange among participants and between the audience and participants. Often the symposium will end with an overview of the proceedings by the chairperson. Most importantly, a symposium is not simply a paper-reading session. (2 hour) Each person listed as a presenter/chair must register for the Convention.

Research Papers are reports of empirical studies presented by the primary researcher. All research must be complete upon submission for consideration. Two Research Papers will be grouped together by the Program Committee into a 1-hour time period. Each person listed as a presenter must register for the Convention.