Welcome to the Vision 2025 survey.
Your feedback over the next 5 minutes will help us understand the issues facing business like your and develop a clear road-map to ensure WA's economic potential can be realised.
To kick things off, we're interested in learning more about some of the barriers facing your business.

Question Title

To what extent do you agree the following barriers are holding back your business from growing?

  Strongly disagree Somewhat disagree Neither agree nor disagree Somewhat agree Strongly agree Unsure
Weak demand.
Global competition.
Issues with government regulation and red tape (e.g. approval delays, regulatory compliance burden, issues with interpretation).
Rising energy prices.
Lack of adequately skilled labour.
Issues with payment terms (timing, bargaining power, etc.)
Inflexibility of the industrial relations system.
Lack of certainty around long-term infrastructure projects. 
Federal Government taxes
State Government taxes
Local Government rates and charges
Changing community and stakeholder expectations on environmental and social issues.
Other (please specify)

Question Title

My business has encountered more issues with red tape and regulation when dealing with: