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GEODE Initiative

Geothermal energy is a versatile and underutilized resource that offers continuous, round-the-clock power and a wide range of uses, from electricity generation to agriculture, desalination, heating and cooling, and even mineral recovery. Despite its potential, only a small fraction of geothermal energy in the United States has been tapped.
As part of the Geothermal Energy from Oil and Gas Demonstrated Engineering (GEODE) initiative led by Project Innerspace and the Society of Petroleum Engineers and funded by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Geothermal Technologies Office, our working group on Workforce Training and Development is dedicated to advancing geothermal development by drawing on the skills and expertise of the oil and gas sector. We aim to overcome barriers to geothermal deployment and support the expanding geothermal workforce by understanding the current skills and future needs of communities and organizations.
This survey will help us understand public perceptions, needs, and interest in geothermal energy as we work to make it a cornerstone of sustainable energy in the U.S. Your input is vital to shaping this future. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts.
Before you begin the survey, if you feel it might be helpful to learn more about geothermal energy-related roles, please visit this link that lists some of the roles that are highly relevant.

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* 1. How aware are you of geothermal energy and its potential benefits for your community/organization?

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* 2. Does your community/organization have an existing geothermal workforce training program?

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* 3. What is the current level of workforce readiness in your community/organization for working in geothermal energy?

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* 4. What is the current level of workforce readiness in your community/organization for working in the oil and gas industry?

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* 5. What do you see as the biggest barrier to workforce development in geothermal energy in your community/organization?

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* 6. Rate the following focus areas in order of priority (1 being the highest priority and 5 being the lowest priority) on how they aid in developing (building foundational knowledge in) geothermal workforce training programs.

  1 2 3 4 5
Technical skills training (geoscience, engineering, drilling, etc.)
Environmental and regulatory training
Community engagement and cultural awareness
Business and entrepreneurship in renewable energy
Job placement and career guidance

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* 7. Rate the following focus areas in order of priority (1 being the highest priority and 5 being the lowest priority) on how they aid in advancing (building foundational knowledge in) geothermal workforce training programs.

  1 2 3 4 5
Technical skills training (engineering, drilling, etc)
Environmental and regulatory training
Community engagement and cultural awarness
Business and entrepreneurship in renewable energy
Job placement and career guidance

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* 8. What are the key resources or support you think your community/organization would need to successfully engage in geothermal energy jobs?

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* 9. What role do you think local educational institutions (e.g., high schools and colleges) should play in geothermal workforce development?

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* 10. How interested is your community/organization in transitioning to geothermal energy?

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* 11. In your opinion, what opportunities exist to bridge the gap between current skills in your community/organization and those needed for the geothermal industry?

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* 12. What other concerns or suggestions do you have to improve geothermal workforce development in your community/organization?

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