This Household Survey is being conducted as part of the Hancock County Planning Commission’s Countywide Housing Needs and Suitability Assessment. We are encouraging households to take this survey to obtain an accurate representation of the current County housing market, and to provide residents the opportunity to share thoughts, concerns and be a part of future decisions surrounding housing in Hancock County.

Once the survey period is closed, results will be compiled and shared with the completion of this assessment. Individual survey results are confidential.

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* 1. Do you live in / is your permanent residence in Hancock County?

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* 3. If no, provide zip code of residence

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* 4. If you are a seasonal resident in Hancock County (own or rent for less than six months), how long have you been coming here?

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* 5. If you are a year-round resident in Hancock County, how long have you lived here?

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* 6. What is your age bracket?

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* 7. What is the estimated gross annual income of all residents living in your household? (total earnings before taxes and other deductions)

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* 8. What is the number of people living at your current residence?

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* 9. Please specify your current housing tenure:

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* 10. If you own year-round in Hancock County, do you:

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* 11. Please select housing type that best describes your current situation:

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* 12. Is it difficult to find suitable housing in Hancock County?

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* 13. If you answered yes or somewhat (select one):

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* 14. For homeowners: what are the estimated total monthly housing expenses of your household (mortgage, utilities, taxes, insurance)?

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* 15. For renters: what are the estimated total monthly housing expenses of your household (rent, utilities, taxes, insurance)? Or if in a shared living space, what is your estimated individual share of these expenses?

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* 16. Have you experienced or are currently experiencing any of the following housing-related issues in your current residence? (select all that apply):

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* 17. Describe the current housing market in Hancock County

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* 18. Identify top three issues that negatively impact Hancock County housing market: (select three)

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* 19. Please rank, by the degree of need, the following types of housing in Hancock County (1 = most needed, 10 = least needed):

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* 20. Please rank, by the degree of need, for the following price ranges for new For-Sale Housing (1 = most needed, 10 = least needed):

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* 21. Please rank, by the degree of need, the following year-round rental price ranges (excluding utilities) (1 = most needed, 10 = least needed):

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* 22. Please rank, by the degree of need, the following housing styles in Hancock County (1 = most needed, 10 = least needed):

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* 23. Other thoughts on the housing needs of Hancock County?

Thank you for your time and interest!