The Horizon 2050 Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) is the long-range transportation plan for the Spokane region, which includes all of Spokane County. Spokane Regional Transportation Council (SRTC) updates the Plan every 4-5 years as the blueprint of transportation projects, programs, and strategies that are regional in scope and consistent with SRTC’s Guiding Principles. The survey aims to understand the public perspective on regional needs over the next 20+ years.

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* 2. I am:

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* 3. For your typical daily trips (e.g. work or school commute), how often do you do the following:

  Never Occasionally Frequently
Drive alone
Drive or ride in a carpool
Take the bus
Walk or use wheelchair
E-scooter or other electric mobility device
Work from home

Question Title

* 4. If infrastructure and/or travel and safety conditions were to improve, how likely would it affect your travel choice to conduct your typical daily trips:

  Not Likely Moderately Likely Likely N/A
I would drive alone more often
I would carpool more often
I would ride a motorcycle more often
I would walk or use my wheelchair more often
I would bicycle more often
I would use an e-scooter or other electric device more often
I would take the bus more often

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* 5. Do you have transportation system issues/barriers you’d like to share that impact your ability to safely and efficiently move around the region and make travel mode choices? If so, please elaborate on what improvements are needed in the appropriate category and specify locations as applicable.

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* 6. As a regional transportation planning agency, SRTC’s mission is founded in the agency’s Guiding Principles. All are important to SRTC’s transportation planning activities. How would you rate the relative importance of each Guiding Principle for managing the regional transportation system:

  1 (Not important) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (Extremely Important)
Economic Vitality (commerce, freight movement)
Cooperation & Leadership (regional coordination/decision-making/public process)
Stewardship (environmentally responsible, fiscally sound, resilient to events such as wildfire or flooding)
System Operations, Maintenance, & Preservation (infrastructure in state of good repair, optimize system performance)
Safety & Security (personal safety for all road users)
Quality of Life (strong transit, biking, and walking connections and neighborhoods)
Equity (fair distribution of transportation infrastructure, opportunity for all)

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* 7. There are many priorities for transportation investment and a finite budget. Over the next 20 years, how would you allocate spending in the following program areas? (Enter percent values in each category's text box to reach the sum total of 100%)

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* 8. Thinking about the future, what three key words characterize your vision of our transportation system in the year 2050? (e.g. innovative, safer, more/less congested, technology-focused, driverless, multimodal, energy-efficient)