Background Information
The sessions will run on Wednesdays from 1-4pm:
1pm-3pm will follow the regular ECHO sessions with a Didactic, two patient cases and the Clinican's Corner segment.
3pm-4pm will cover skills related to tool kits for skin and wound care.
**Open to all Healthcare Professionals across Ontario
Project ECHO (Extensions for Community Health Outcomes) Ontario Skin and Wound offers evidence-based mentorship and case-based learning on skin and wound care at no cost to Ontario health care providers. Project ECHO is based on a Hub and Spoke model. A resource team (Hub) comprising of physicians, nurses and allied health providers provide community partners (Spokes), with guidance on patients with complex skin and wound care needs. Spokes are comprised of health care professionals from across the province interested in expanding their knowledge in wound care. Continuing Medical Education (CME) credits will be rewarded to physicians and education credits awarded to non-physicians.
A Spoke can be one or more health providers gathered at a (n):
- Family Health Team
- Indigenous Health Centre or a Community Health Centre
- Long-Term Care Home
- Hospital
- Family Health Team
- Indigenous Health Centre or a Community Health Centre
- Long-Term Care Home
- Hospital
- Nursing Clinic