
RAGGC is the premier golf club in Auckland and expects high standards from its members. We wish to encourage a friendly and open culture within the club. RAGGC expects all members to treat their fellow members, the employees, the course and the facilities with respect at all times.   By supporting this application I understand that the candidate will be expected to always meet the above standards, that I must have played golf with the candidate and that as proposer I must have been an elected member of RAGGC for a minimum of 5 years as well as have known the candidate for 5 years.

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* 1. Proposer's Name and Contact Details

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* 2. Candidate's Name

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* 3. Date of Birth of Candidate


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* 4. Seconder's Name

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* 5. Please list the six referees contact details
(For a limited time only, between 16 July 2024 and 30th September 2024, women candidates who have family members at the Club, or are enrolled in a Club initiated golfing program, are not required to provide Referees. Those who do not fall into this category, six referees are required).

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* 6. Type of Membership sought - Please select the appropriate category

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* 7. Membership Type

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* 8. How many years have you known the candidate?

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* 9. How many times have you played golf with the candidate?

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* 10. How would you describe the candidate's golfing ability?

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* 11. How would you describe the candidate's knowledge of golf rules and golf etiquette?

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* 12. Outline your association with the candidate e.g. family, business, social, golfing and the frequency and nature of the association. Please be descriptive.

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* 13. Does your candidate have a genuine interest in playing golf and participating in club activities?  Please detail activities the candidate may be involved in and why they would be a suitable member.

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* 14. Other information which would be of interest or relevance in respect of the nomination of the candidate e.g. particular skills or interests, potential conflicts of interest, etc.

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* 15. How do you plan to introduce and integrate the candidate should they be elected to the membership of RAGGC?

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* 16. APPLICATION AGREEMENT: I have read and am fully familiar with the Membership Nomination Guidelines which clearly describe my responsibilities and obligations as proposer for the progression of this nomination.  I am prepared to accept the responsibilities as proposer and will introduce the candidate to RAGGC should they be elected to membership.