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Refugee and Migrant service providers, we invite you to participate in the National Provider Survey. This survey is designed to identify the immediate needs of providers and professionals serving refugees and migrants.

The insights gained from this survey will empower Southwest Key Programs to craft targeted technical assistance through the soon-to-be-established Refugee and Migrant Technical Assistance Center (RMTAC), a new initiative led by Southwest Key Programs, funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). The insights we gather will shape vital training and resources aimed at overcoming the unique challenges faced in serving these communities.

Taking this survey is your choice. Your responses are optional and confidential. The aggregate data will be used to inform RMTAC activities, your identity will never be disclosed.

Your response matters, the first round of data collection will be from March 26th - April 26th, 2024.

Estimated survey response time is 10 minutes or less.

If you have questions and concerns, please email us at or visit our website.

Question Title

* 1. What is your primary occupation/profession?

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* 2. Are you able to prescribe medications?

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* 3. Do you work for a non-profit organization?

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* 4. Which of the following best describes your principal employment setting?

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* 5. What is the primary zip code you practice or work in?

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* 6. Within your organization, which age populations do you serve?

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* 7. Which regions of the world do your patients/clients originate from?

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* 8. Identify the most common behavioral health concerns you see with refugee and migrant populations in your setting (ex. Suicide, Depression, Anxiety Disorder, Bipolar Disorder, Substance Use Disorder, Trauma, Stress, etc.)

Question Title

* 9. When working with refugee and migrant populations, rank each of these stressors in terms of importance?

  Low Medium High
Adjustment to new culture and language
Domestic violence
Housing instability
Immigration status
Lack of access to financial resources
Migration journey
Political upheaval or violence in country of origin
Relationship or family dynamics
Separation from family
Sexual violence or abuse
Substance abuse or dependence

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* 10. What are the top resources or services you provide to refugee and migrant populations at your facility/office?

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* 11. How confident are you providing direct services to refugee and migrant populations?

  Low Medium High
Level of confidence

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* 12. How confident are you referring refugee and migrant populations to resources or services in the community?

  Low Medium High
Level of confidence

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* 13. In what topics would you like to receive training or technical assistance as it relates to serving refugee and migrant populations?

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* 14. As a provider, what are your challenges to receiving additional training and technical assistance related to behavioral health for refugee and migrant populations?

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* 15. Which method(s) would you prefer to utilize to receive training or technical assistance related to behavioral health of refugee and migrant populations?

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* 16. As we develop Technical Assistance Services, what is your preferred time increment to receive content from our learning platform (ex. Podcast, Webinars, Videos, Learning Modules, etc.)?

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* 17. Can the Refugee & Migrant Technical Assistant Center contact you in the future regarding technical assistance and activities, and/or follow-up to this survey?

0 of 22 answered