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Thank you for taking the time to complete this short survey about the Etobicoke Creek Watershed Plan. Before you start the survey, you may want to check out this “Understanding a Watershed" graphic which explains what a watershed is and the impacts of certain land uses.

Watershed Plan Objectives and Indicators

The next stage of the watershed planning process will involve developing a management framework for the Etobicoke Creek watershed. The management framework will represent what needs to be done to protect, enhance, and restore watershed health. 

The next five questions will focus on the objectives and indicators that will be developed for the Etobicoke Creek Watershed Plan under the following three main themes:
  • Land Use / Infrastructure – how built environment (i.e., urban land) patterns are decided and developed
  • Water Resource System – how water-based ecosystems will be protected, enhanced, and restored
  • Natural Heritage System – how land-based ecosystems will be protected, enhanced, and restored

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* 1. Do you live or work in the Etobicoke Creek watershed?

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* 2. How important is it that each topic listed below is included as part of the objectives in the watershed plan?

  not important slightly important moderately important important very important
Natural hazards (flooding and erosion)
Stormwater management (i.e., where rain or snow runoff drains to from streets and buildings)
Fish barriers (e.g., dams, weirs, culverts)
Natural cover (i.e., amount of natural areas)
Water quality
Education and outreach
Development standards (e.g., how green a building is)
Urban sprawl (i.e., loss of farmland and natural areas)
Ecosystems and habitats (i.e., where plants and animals live)

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* 3. Is there anything missing from the list above that should be included as part of the objectives in the watershed plan? Please identify.

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* 4. Indicators can use numbers (e.g., increase wetland cover by 5%) or words (e.g., increase wetland cover in the watershed) to track progress. How important is it that each objective has a specific number to achieve (i.e., a target), rather than just a statement (e.g., increase, maintain, etc.)?

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* 5. Are there any specific indicators or ways of tracking progress you would like to see included in the watershed plan? Please identify.

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