Please fill out this survey regarding the Texas Comptroller's Matagorda Bay Ecosystem Assessment and the Sept. 26 stakeholder meeting in Palacios, Texas.

Question Title

* Name

Question Title

* Organization (answer "public" if not applicable)

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* Email address

Question Title

* How did you hear about the meeting?

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* Would you like to receive email updates on the research project?

Question Title

* Are you interested in attending meetings to stay up to date on this research?

Question Title

* Are you interested in tuning in to webinars?

Question Title

* What frequency of meetings/webinars works best for you?

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* What aspects of the project would you like to learn more about?

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* Would you like to participate in or contribute to the project?

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* If "yes" to the question above, how would you like to participate or contribute?

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* What additional resources do you feel would benefit this project?

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* Which of these products would be most useful to you? (Please choose all that apply.)

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* What do you value in Matagorda Bay?

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* What goals do you have for Matagorda Bay?

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* How can this effort contribute to your interests?

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* Are there additional ways the Comptroller's Natural Resources program can support you? Please explain.

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* Would you like to receive information on the Comptroller's other Natural Resource projects?

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* Are there additional topics you would like covered in future meetings/webinars? (Please choose all that apply.)

Question Title

* Please provide any other feedback you may have about this project or meeting.

We appreciate your feedback! Please let us know if we can be of any assistance to you.