Schuyler Industry C.U.D. # 5 Parent Survey 2025- 2026

Welcome to the 2025-2026 Schuyler Industry C.U.D. #5 Parent/Guardian Survey

Students with disabilities from three through twenty-one years of age who reside in this area generate federal support for special education programs. In order to receive these funds, federal and state regulations require that an annual needs assessment be completed. As part of the annual needs assessment, a parent/guardian survey is required.

Please answer the questions below to the best of your knowledge. If there are questions that you are unsure how to answer, please feel free to leave blank. This information will assist your district in planning for special education and related services for the 2025- 2026 school year.
1.Indicate the ages of your children:
2.Your district may provide training for parents and school personnel.  Parent input is valuable in planning for training.  Please list topics for parent training you would attend if provided through your school district?
3.Would you like information on a specific disabilities?  If so, please mark.
4.How can your district help you receive this training?
5.My responses on this survey are based on:
6.Please feel free to share any additional comments or concerns.  Thank you for completing the survey. We value your input!
Current Progress,
0 of 6 answered