Question Title

1. Copyright and Third Party Ownership
I represent to AAMI that I own, and I hereby convey to AAMI, all copyright interest in all of the materials contained in my remarks and written materials to be delivered at AAMI Exchange 2019, except to the extent that ownership by third parties of any portion of such materials is expressly indicated. I also represent to AAMI that my remarks and related written materials do not infringe upon the rights of any third parties. I do retain the right to revise, adapt, prepare derivative works, reproduce and distribute such remarks and materials without having to obtain AAMI approval or having to make any accounting of profits to AAMI, provided that I shall display AAMIs copyright interest in such materials when I produce them or allow others to do so.

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2. Copyright and Third Party Ownership
I affirm that the intended presentation and subsequent handout material has not been and will not be presented or published at any conference, meeting or symposium prior to AAMI Exchange 2019. If it has, I have already provided this information to AAMI or will provide this information to AAMI upon submission of this form.

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3. Meeting Highlights
I agree that an article reporting on my presentation may be included in the AAMI News Weekly Daily updates from the conference, 2019 newsletter or on the AAMI Exchange website, the purpose of which is to provide meeting highlights to those members who did not attend AAMI Exchange 2019.

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4. Conference Recordings
I understand that the Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation (AAMI) may choose to audio and/or video record select sessions. I understand that if selected, my presentations and written materials may be produced in any medium for AAMI University and for subsequent sale after the program by AAMI. I understand I will not receive any royalty from the sales.

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5. Address