Based on our institutional reps meeting last week, members would like to vote for a different pattern for the 2019 Spring Conference than were originally offered after our first survey.  Generally, the conference is a day and a half long and a draft schedule is below.  The conference will take place in Washington, DC.   

Please fill out the survey no later than Friday, November 30th. Thank you in advance for your input!

Day One:
Mid-afternoon: Institutional Reps Governance Meeting
Late Afternoon: Welcome Reception
Evening: Dinner

Day Two:
Full day conference, beginning with breakfast and ending around 4:00.

Question Title

* 1. Please rank the following choices, based on when you would be most likely to attend the 2019 Spring Conference. Please note: the week was chosen based on feedback from the last survey.

  First Choice Second Choice Third Choice Fourth Choice
Tuesday, May 14 - Wednesday, May 15
Thursday, May 16 - Friday, May 17
Friday, May 17 - Saturday, May 18
I can't make any of the above dates

Question Title

* 2. Would your institution/organization be interested in hosting the event at their DC facilities, either providing space in-kind or at a reduced rate? If yes, please leave details below.

Question Title

* 3. Any general comments about the 2019 Spring Conference?

Question Title

* 4. Please leave your contact info below.