Your opinion matters! Please help us make FineScale Modeler magazine better by taking this short survey. Thanks!

Question Title

* 1. How interesting did you find these feature articles in the November 2016 issue?

1 = Very Uninteresting; 2 = Uninteresting; 3 = Neutral; 4 = Interesting; 5 = Very Interesting

  1 2 3 4 5

Form & Figure: Painting dark skin tones

Airbrushing & Finishing: Spray acrylics to finish a cargo hauler
Your most-wanted kits results
Detail a 1/72 scale KC-135 tanker
How to beat up a BMP-2 with paints, chips, washes, and more
Converting an F-16 for Israeli service with a resin set
Kitbash a Jagdpanther hovertank
Show Gallery: WonderFest USA 2016
Modeling Moebius' huge 1/72 scale USS Skipjack
Improve models with Pledge FloorCare Multi-Surface Finish
Final Details: Tragedy and inspiration on the Daniel J. Morrell freighter

Question Title

* 2. What did you think of our November 2016 cover?
December cover

Question Title

* 3. How interesting did you find these department articles?

1 = Very Uninteresting; 2 = Uninteresting; 3 = Neutral; 4 = Interesting; 5 = Very Interesting

  1 2 3 4 5
Editor's Page
Scale Talk
New Products
Reader Gallery
Reader Tips
Questions & Answers
Workbench Reviews

Question Title

* 4. On the cover, there are several features listed. Which blurb most interested you?

Question Title

* 5. How satisfied are you with the November 2016 issue of FineScale Modeler magazine?