The American Hotel & Lodging Educational Institute (EI) has revised its Certified Hospitality Instructor (CHI) designation to bring the study materials in line with its new high school curriculum, as well as to make preparing for the certification exam more convenient and flexible for teachers.
Professional certification has become a requirement for many secondary school teachers and workforce instructors. The Certified Hospitality Instructor (CHI) provides teachers in secondary school hospitality classes and workforce development programs with a solid foundation of hospitality knowledge and skills, so they can more effectively convey the information to students and better prepare them for careers in hospitality. Prospective CHI candidates may teach one of EI’s hospitality programs, including the Hospitality and Tourism Management Program (HTMP), Skills, Tasks, And Result Training (START), or any other secondary-level hospitality curriculum.
EI has revised the CHI learning format from a series of three on-site summer institutes to a two-level self-study program that includes print resources and online study modules presented by Michael “Doc” Terry, CHE, a hospitality instructor at the University of Central Florida’s Rosen College of Hospitality Management. Each level consists of 13 modules with an online exam that must be passed with a score of 70 percent or higher. The learning modules relate to the content presented in EI’s new, two-year high school curriculum, the Hospitality and Tourism Management Program (HTMP). Candidates must also complete a 120-hour hospitality internship to earn the certification. Certification candidates have six months to complete the program requirements. No travel is required under the new learning format.
The cost for the new certification program is $750.00, which includes both books, the online courses, and the exams. However, because many high school hospitality instructors had begun working toward the Certified Hospitality Instructor certification under its previous format, EI has created a plan to enable those candidates to complete their requirements under the new format.
For those teachers who have taken one or two of the old CHI levels:
• Taken CHI Level 1 only – must still complete new Level 2, exempt from Level 1.
• Taken CHI Levels 1 and 2, but not 3 - must still complete new Level 2, exempt from Level 1.
• Taken CHI Levels 2 and/or 3, but not 1 - must still complete new Level 1, exempt from Level 2.
The FRLAEF will cover the training costs for each of the CHI Scholarship recipients.