Ankle Fractures that Should be Fixed and How - Michael Maceroli, MD
Debate: Geriatric Proximal Humeral Fractures Should Be Non-Op - Bruce Ziran, MD, FACS
Debate: Geriatric Proximal Humeral Fractures Should Be Operative - Doug Lundy, MD, MBA, FACS
How I Fix the Proximal Humerus: Nail - Jarrod E Dumpe, MD
Distal Femur Fractures: Where Are We Now? - Bruce Ziran, MD, FACS
Keynote- WWI, the turning point that led the way to today's world - Eran Tearosh
Radial Head and the Terrible Triad: How to Manage - Mikael Starecki, MD
The Olecranon: Wires, Plates or Nails, and How - Allan Peljovich, MD, MPH
Distal Humerus Debate: The Elderly Should Get a TEA - Mikael Starecki, MD
Distal Humerus Debate: The Elderly Should Get ORIF or Nothing - Allan Peljovich, MD, MPH
Case Presentations and Libations - Michael Maceroli, MD