
The San Antonio Chapter of the Association for Talent Development (ATD) is requesting speaker proposals for the in-person, 2022 Learning and Performance Summit (LEAPS). This year's theme is What is Your Superpower? The deadline for speaker proposals is July 31, 2022. 
Should you have any questions prior to your submission, please do not hesitate to contact our VP Special Events or a member of our Board.
Quick Event Overview
Friday, September 23, 2022
PLUS Early Preview Sessions in September!

Our 11th annual Learning and Performance Summit (LEAPS) will be an in-person conference, with virtual early preview sessions leading up to the event. We are committed to providing an environment that follows recommendations for health protocols, allowing participants to focus on getting the most out of their ATD experience. 

All Training, Learning & Development, Human Performance Improvement, Human Resources, and Organizational Development professionals are encouraged to submit a proposal to share their expertise with our greater community.
Speaker & Session Expectations
  • Speakers contribute all services in a volunteer capacity.
  • Speakers meet all event deadlines upon request and direction from the Program Committee.
  • Speakers may make no change to the identity of the speaker(s), session topic, title, description or objectives as approved by the Program Committee without permission.
  • Speakers should be willing to present twice should the need arise. This may include a recorded session.
  • Live core sessions will be slated for 45-60 minutes, but ATD SA will have the opportunity to host smaller pre-recorded sessions if that best fits a speaker/topic.  Speakers will conduct a session within the allotted time period to include appropriate time allowed for interaction and Q&A.
  • Speakers will provide any materials electronically 14 days before their program date. This commonly includes presentation slides/documents, handouts, surveys, polls, breakout room requirements, etc. Any attendee-focused materials will also be included on the ATD SA member's area of the website and virtual platform. All copyright remains with the author.  Speakers will submit a high-quality image and brief biography for inclusion in the virtual platform's speaker directory.
  • Sessions must not be a sales pitch for product or service; however, sponsorship opportunities are available.
Questions & Support

We're here to partner with our community's best!  Should you have any questions or need support along the way, please do not hesitate to contact our VP Special Events or a member of our Board.  

Question Title

* 1. I have reviewed the overview information above.