Nomination Information

About the awards

The National Infrastructure Awards recognise and celebrate excellence in project delivery and individual achievement across the infrastructure sector. The Awards reflect Infrastructure Partnerships Australia’s dedication to genuine collaboration and partnership between the public and private sectors to deliver infrastructure and drive reform for the national interest.
Project Award Categories

The project awards celebrate success in the delivery of Australia’s infrastructure projects and services across eight categories.
  • Advisory Excellence
  • Financial Excellence
  • Government Partnerships Excellence
  • Contractor Excellence
  • Operator & Service Provider Excellence
  • Innovation Excellence
  • Industry Choice Award
  • Project of the Year


  • To qualify, the nomination (or part thereof) must be an Australian infrastructure project completed (or partially completed) in 2023. On occasion the Judging Panel may accept projects completed outside of Australia if they have a profound impact on the Australian infrastructure market
  • All nominations must adhere to the word limits for each question. Any words submitted over the word limit will not be presented to the Judging Panel   
  • All nominations must submit images that are approved for use in marketing material associated with the 2024 National Infrastructure Awards Night
  • Specific eligibility for each award are listed in their category - Details on thier requirements can be found on our website.


  • Finalists will be announced throughout the week two weeks prior to the National Infrastructure Awards night
  • Winners will be announced at the National Infrastructure Awards night on Thursday 11 April 2024 in Melbourne
  • Organisations will only be recognised if they appear on the nomination form. Please include ALL organisations who should be recognised

  • Nominations close – 5.00pm Tuesday 6 February 2024
  • Judging Panel – Mid February 2024
  • Finalists Announced – Week commencing 25 March 2024
  • Winners announced – National Infrastructure Awards – Thursday 11 April 2024 Melbourne
What you’ll need:

  • Official project name and details including, procurement, delivery and budgeting information.
  • List of project participants including, proponents and consortia parties, clients, financial advisers, legal advisers, financiers, other advisers, contractors/constructors.
  • Three images of the project.

Things to keep in mind:

  • If you need to save your nomination and return to it at another time, please exit the windows tab. You will be automatically redirected to your last saved response.
  • Please note, responses are saved and submitted when a respondent clicks the Next or Done button on each page of the survey.