Review the information in this section and the scholarship policy by clicking here, prior to completing the application below. Scholarship application is required for all events except for LEAD.

If you don't meet the scholarship criteria, or are unable to fully complete the application below, then please contact ALFN at to discuss how we can help.

If you need to revise a scholarship application that you have already completed, or to include events later in the year that you aren't applying for at this time, please contact for assistance.

Scholarship recipients will be approved by the ALFN’s CEO and will be notified of application approval or denial as soon as possible, or within 30-90 days prior to the event. If there are multiple individuals applying for scholarships within your organization, we will need to receive a completed scholarship application from each individual prior to approving or denying any scholarships for your company at any ALFN events.

Scholarship recipients are required to arrange your travel so that you are in attendance during the entire conference you are receiving scholarship funds to attend. WILLPOWER (Omni PGA Frisco) is Wednesday, April 23, 8:45 AM - 7 PM. IDEA Summit (Omni PGA Frisco) starts on Wednesday, Apri 23, 4 PM and ends on Thursday, April 24, 1:45 PM. ANSWERS (Everline Resort, Lake Tahoe) starts on Sunday, July 20, 4 PM and ends on Tuesday, July 22, 10:30 PM. INTERSECT (Statler Dallas) is Wednesday, November 19, 8:30 AM - 6 PM.

All scholarship levels require upfront payment of the event registration fee ($250 WILLPOWER, $200 IDEA Summit, $595 ANSWERS, $0 INTERSECT), and other travel accommodations which you should arrange and pay for on your own. Alternatively, ALFN can provide you a comp code to use for your registration fee, but you agree to reimburse the ALFN for the full registration fee amount if you don’t cancel your registration within 10 days of the event start date, or if you violate any of the scholarship or event policies. Reimbursements for any registration fee and approved travel expenses (up to the maximum limits) will be processed by check within 4-6 weeks after the conclusion of the conference and are dependent on the recipient’s adherence to the scholarship policy including full conference attendance and availability to ALFN members during all scheduled conference sessions, meals/receptions, networking activities and other scheduled conference functions. No reimbursements will be made for requests that don’t have an accompanying itemized receipt, or those received more than 30 days after the conclusion of the conference. See complete details referenced in the Scholarship Policy.

An All-Inclusive Scholarship (if approved) includes 1 complimentary registration (includes networking activities), hotel room reservation (room rate, tax & resort fee only) on the peak nights of the conference (only available for those individuals attending from out of town more than a 1-hour drive from the group hotel), ground transportation credit (up to $100 max for Dallas area events, $200 max for all other event locations), and airfare credit. Airfare will only be reimbursed for one of these fare levels up to a $550 max reimbursement: Southwest Airlines Wanna Get Away Plus or Wanna Get Away fare; United Airlines Basic Economy fare; Delta Airlines Main Cabin fare; American Airlines Basic Economy fare; Alaskan Airlines Saver fare; Frontier Airlines Basic rare; or the Basi

Question Title

* 1. Applicant Contact Information

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* 2. Supervisors Contact Information

List the individual who approves your attendance to these types of events. If you self-approve, then enter your information.

The sessions and networking events you attend, or don't attend, during the conference may be reported back to your supervisor by the ALFN. Attendance is tracked with our mobile app by having you check-in on the app at each scheduled conference function, or through scanning your badge at each conference event. This is to help ensure compliance with the scholarship policy.

Question Title

* 4. Will there by other individuals from within your organization that are requesting a Scholarship for any of the ALFN's events you are applying for?

We are only able to review this application once all applications from your organization are received for each applicable event.

If approved, each organization is allowed to receive the following for each approved event: one all-inclusive or customized scholarship, and two registration fee-only scholarships per company. Or by waiving the all-inclusive or customized scholarship, eligible applicants may receive up to four registration fee-only scholarships per company.

Please touch base with your colleagues to verify which scholarships you will each be applying for within these guidelines.

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* 5. What work do you currently do with your organization (scholarships are limited to those in default positions that can decide, or have a significant level of influence, on which law firms or trustees receive files)?

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* 6. What is your goal in attending the ALFN events you are applying for (what you would like to get out of your attendance) & how will ALFN member attendees (law firms or foreclosure trustees) benefit from your attendance?

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* 7. Have you attended any of the events you are applying for in the past, and if so, how did they benefit you?

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* 8. Which other conferences (not hosted by the ALFN) do you normally attend in the mortgage servicing industry?

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* 9. Of the conferences you normally attend (not hosted by the ALFN), do any of them provide scholarships, comp. registrations or other financial funding in order for you to attend?

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* 10. Describe your financial need for assistance, any special circumstances, and why you would require this scholarship in order to attend the applicable ALFN event(s).

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* 11. If the event(s) you are applying for aren't a budgeted expense for you, do you have any recommendations on anything we can do to have the applicable event(s) included in your budget in the future?

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* 12. How did you hear about the ALFN Scholarship Program?

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* 13. Are you a manager, executive (or general counsel) or other staff member who is a decision maker or significant decision influencer as it applies to the selection of law firms or foreclosure trustees and file referrals?

If you are a decision-influencer, please describe how your influence in the decision-making process impacts the selection of law firms or foreclosure trustees and file referrals in the comments box below.

You must be a decision-maker or significant decision-influencer as it applies to the selection of law firms or foreclosure trustees and file referrals to receive scholarship funds.

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* 14. What type of creditors' rights (default servicing) work would your organization typically utilize ALFN Law Firms or Foreclosure Trustees for?

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* 15. Do you have any current or anticipated future file volume to refer in any particular state(s) and can meet with ALFN members during our events to discuss opportunities?

This will be used to introduce you to attorneys in states of need at the conference, and information provided will be kept internal with ALFN.

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* 16. Have you participated in any of these ALFN events or activities in the past? Check all that apply.

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* 17. Do you agree to be available to all ALFN Members during all scheduled conference functions at the event(s) you are applying to receive a scholarship for? 

This applies for the duration of the entire conference, to network and attend the educational sessions, meals and networking activities hosted by the ALFN. 

Required to receive scholarship funds.

Question Title

* 18. Do you agree that if you receive a scholarship for any event, that you will coordinate your travel so that you will arrive at the event location by the start date & time, and you won't depart prior to the ending date & time? 

Required to receive scholarship funds.

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* 19. Do you agree not to accept invitations from other conference attendees to meet or participate in non-conference events (i.e. meetings, meals, cocktails, activities etc.) during times that would conflict with a scheduled ALFN conference event?

Conflicts to avoid would be during any group session, meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner or cocktail reception), group activity (golf, group activities & tours, etc.) or any other event on the conference schedule.  There is ample free time in the schedule to conduct meetings and attend other non-conference functions. 

Agreement is required to receive scholarship funds.

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* 20. If we need any event speakers, would you be available to participate?

Scholarship recipients are required to participate on panel presentations as invited, where the topic suits your level of expertise, and where your company doesn't restrict you from speaking. If your company restricts you from speaking, please indicate in the comments box below and what other information we can provide to assist with that approval.

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* 21. Please type your full name here, which indicates that you have read the scholarship policy (Available Here) and you agree to all the terms and conditions of that policy.