Disability Matters: Vote 2016 (DMV2016) is a non-partisan campaign to more fully engage Manitobans with disabilities (and their families and friends) in the upcoming April 2016 Manitoba general election.

One of the primary goals of DMV2016 is to support Manitobans with disabilities in making informed voting decisions. A giant part of this will be raising issues that are most important to the quality of life and human rights of Manitobans with disabilities and asking each political party to provide clear positions and commitments.

DMV2016 has decided to focus on a maximum of 5 key priority issues.

Based on discussions with thousands of Manitobans over the last few years, we have selected the first 3 key issues (see the next page).

We need your help in:
  • Telling us about the impact these selected issues have had on you or others you know.
  • Identifying two other disability issues that are most important to you.
Please take 10 minutes to complete this survey and help DMV2016 make a real difference in the April 2016 election.