Question Title

1. What is your name?

Question Title

3. What year are you in?

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4. What is the name of your home room teacher?

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5. How relevant was this Financial Literacy program to you as a High School student?

Question Title

6. How important was this program for you to learn more about your own saving and spending?

Question Title

7. How much will this program encourage you to think about your saving and spending habits?

Question Title

8. How clearly did this program explain the four educational points for you?
               1. Needs are Yes, Wants are Maybe
                  2. Deduct Deductions First
                  3. Only Borrow What You Can Pay Back Tomorrow
                  4. Pay Yourself First

Question Title

9. How well did this program expand your knowledge of these 4 educational points?

Question Title

10. On a scale of 1 to 5, how important are these 4 educational points to you?

  1 (not very important) 2 3 4 5 (VERY important)
How to prioritize your needs and wants (Needs are Yes, Wants are Maybe)
Wages minus deductions equals take-home pay (Deduct Deductions First)
The difference between cash & credit (Only Borrow What You Can Pay Back Tomorrow)
The importance of forming a savings habit (Pay Yourself First)

Question Title

11. Tick any of the following Financial Literacy educational points what would be more important for you to be learning

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12. Did you use the Student Workbook provided with the program?

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13. If you used the Student Workbook, where did you use them?

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14. Please tell us what you liked most about this program. Is there anything about the program you would suggest could be included?

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15. Please tell us in your own words, what was your overall take away message you got out of MAD ABOUT MONEY?

Question Title

16. We are giving away 5 x double movie passes for students who complete this survey. If you are lucky enough to win, what is the name of the teacher at your school we should contact on your behalf?