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* 1. Are you a Cascade Member?

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* 2. Do you currently read the Cascade Courier?

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* 3. If no, why not?

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* 4. What kinds of bicycling activities are you interested in reading about?

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* 5. What other publications (bicycling and non-bicycling) do you like to read/are you subscribed to? Please list specific titles.

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* 6. What do you like about how the information is presented in those publications? (For example, do you like infographics? Lots of visuals to tell a story? Long written stories with densely-packed copy?)

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* 7. In the past year, which of the following Cascade blogs/articles have you particularly enjoyed? Below are some of our most-viewed blogs. 

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* 8. What elements would you like to see in the publication?

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* 9. What part(s) of Washington state would you like to see highlighted in this publication?

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* 10. Do you have a publication title suggestion? The name should reflect the goal of: Celebrating bicycling in Washington state.