This survey is meant to gather insights our editorial team can use as we put together our 2022 editorial plan. Please take 5 minutes to answer the following 5 questions.

Question Title

* 1. So that we can accurately categorize your responses, please identify which of the following pertain to you? (Please check all that apply.)

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* 2. As we expand our digital efforts, what formats/communications would you use? (Check all that apply.)

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* 3. As we expand our digital efforts, what content would you want?

Question Title

* 4. Within our publications and through our digital offerings, we want to provide the stories that will meet your needs in the coming year. Please rate the following topics in terms of how interested you are in receiving related content.

  1 - not interested 2 - interested 3 - very interested
Commercial Programs information
Association events
Using EPDs/$Values
Pasture management
Herd health
Herd nutrition
Bull management
Bull selection
Bull development
Heifer selection
Heifer development
Marketing feeder calves
Marketing replacement heifers
Retained ownership
Estate planning
Succession planning
Risk management for feeding cattle
Land leases
Government policies
New products and technologies
Research advances
Industry information (coverage of NCBA, BIF, ARSBC, etc.)
Consumer demand
Feedlot management
Employee management
Business management
Feeder-cattle markets
Angus sale reports
Carbon credits

Question Title

* 5. Have a story idea? Please share.