Welcome to STEP 2 of Tolog Transportation Registration for the 2019-20 school year. You received this link because you indicated in your STEP 1 registration a few weeks ago that your daughter plans on driving or participating in a carpool to FSHA. Please indicate below whether your daughter is a driver or a passenger, and list the names of the other participants in your morning carpool beginning in the first semester.

Please note the following prior to starting your registration:

* Each student must register. For example, if Student A registers student B as her carpool partner, Student B still needs to register Student A as her carpool partner.
* A student cannot be registered to participate in two different carpools.
* Carpools will be monitored in the morning, but not the afternoon. Afternoon carpools are encouraged, but not required.
* You will need the name(s) of your daughter's carpool partner(s) to complete this registration. See available resources on TologNet for selecting carpool partners.
* Please note: Parent-driven carpools with three or more students have the privilege to drop off/pick up in the upper lot in front of the library. 

* Please visit www.fsha.org/carpooling to see a list of confirmed student drivers. This list is sorted by SOV (Single student Occupancy Vehicle) drivers, carpoolers second semester only and carpoolers all year. The latter is sorted by zip code. 
* Student drivers must carpool one to three other FSHA students. A maximum of four students are allowed in a car when the student is also the driver. 
* If your daughter is registering as a driver (primary or secondary), you will need your insurance carrier name and vehicle information (make, model, year).
* Student drivers with four students in the car will receive first priority for selecting their parking space, then carpools of three, and so on.

Questions? Please email tologtransportation@fsha.org

Question Title

* 1. Personal Information (Most of our communication is via the email address you list below. Please make sure it is accurate):