Best Practices in Pediatric Emergency Medicine 2018 | Evaluation

Activity: Best Practices in Pediatric Emergency Medicine 2018
Date & location: Thursday, March 1, 2018 Glacier Canyon Lodge, Wisconsin Dells, Wis.

Question Title

* 1. My main purpose in selecting this CME activity was to:

Question Title

* 2. How will you change your care of patients based on this conference? (or N/A if knowledge-related activity)

Question Title

* 3. This CME activity was free of commercial bias (if no, specify)

Question Title

* 4. This activity:

  Yes No N/A
Met stated objectives
Increased my knowledge, skills or abilities related to my profession
Will improve my ability to provide excellent patient care
Addressed clinical issues I face in my practice

Question Title

* 5. This activity:

  Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor
 Overall, this activity was
The audiovisuals/handouts were