This report describes the overall results of the project and feedback on materials produced, if applicable. The report should include outcomes in the classroom, information on the dissemination of materials to other faculty, and recommendations for revision of the project products as necessary.

Question Title

* Grant Information:

 Review Form: Ratings

Question Title

* Please rate this grant on the following:

  Yes No
1. Project proposes to enhance the quality of instruction.
2. Project proposes to do something new or in a new way.
4. The need or problem has been substantiated with grades, evaluation data, or other statistics and information.
5. The proposal describes any attempt to solve this issue by others and why other available resources do not meet the given need if applicable.

Question Title

* Audience Items:

  Yes No
1. The proposal briefly describes the intended audience and includes figures on the estimated number of student and faculty affected.
2. The proposal lists other audiences who could take advantage of the project outcomes.

Question Title

* Planning and Implementation Items:

  Yes No
1. The proposal states the specific overall goal(s) and relation to departmental goals.
2. The proposal includes measurable objectives for the proposed project.
3. The proposal lists the outcome(s) or what the audience (students, faculty, staff, other) will be able to do once the project is completed and implemented.
4. The proposal explains how the project activities or materials will be used including timeframe, resources, and personnel support to implement the project.
5. The proposal includes a timeline which lists project objectives and estimated date for completion.
6. The proposal considers any training needs and requirements for implementation.
7. The proposal explains how long the activities or materials developed can be used.
8. The proposal describes the process for revising materials in the future.

Question Title

* Evaluation Items:

  Yes No
1. The proposal describes the process for evaluating the overall project and materials produced.
2. The proposal explains how the effectiveness of the product will be measured.
3. The proposal describes the background of personnel and their relationship to the project.

Question Title

* Budget Items:

  Yes No
1. Budget describes what each amount requested will specifically cover including work of personnel.
2. Grant includes only items which do not fall under the regular expectations of instructors for modifying their own course or materials, hiring additional staff, or to fund instructional travel for items which fall under the regular expectations of departments, such as new course development.

Question Title

* Comments or suggested revisions:

Question Title

* Recommendation Status:

Question Title

* If you would like us to send you a copy of your responses, please enter your email address here: