The Climate Beneficial Actions by Project Developers Form outlines Climate Beneficial Actions that homeowners, businesses, and developers are encouraged to pursue in the design, construction, and operation phases of a development project. Climate actions often result in long-term project cost savings and higher project resiliency to climate events. Climate actions also support our community's overall ability to adapt to climate change. The actions are consistent with the Community Climate Action Plan (CCAP), San Mateo County's mandate to address the harms of climate change, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and become carbon neutral by 2040. 

For projects subject to the California Environmental Quality Act, the County Planning and Building Department requires applicants to complete this form to identify project-initiated climate actions to offset project-generated Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions that contribute to climate change. Except where specified, Planning staff will confirm that the form is completed with actions identified by the applicant at the time of the preparation of the project CEQA document (e.g., Negative Declaration, Mitigated Negative Declaration, or Environmental Impact Report) and will confirm action implementation (as shown in the published CEQA document for the project) at the time of building permit application and prior to the final approval of the project's building permit.  

The County's Office of Sustainability offers programs and referrals to incentivize and support climate action as summarized under each action below. Information about sustainability resources can be found on the Office's website and staff can be reached directly by emailing or calling 1 (888) 442-2666.

The Planning and Building Department can be reached by contacting your Project Planner or by contacting the Planning Counter at (650) 363-1825 or by emailing. Once submitted, a copy of the completed form will be submitted to your project planner. 

Please complete this form by selecting as many climate actions as feasible that will be incorporated into the project.

Question Title

* Select Your Project Type(s)

14% of survey complete.