CERC Assessment:  Post test Survey (Academic Probation)

Please fill out this post test survey only after you have met with a CERC counselor.
Demographic Information

Question Title

* 1. Date of Survey


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* 2. Is this the first time you are on academic probation?

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* 3. Have you met with a CERC Counselor in person for educational counseling?

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* 4. What is your gender?

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* 5. What is your ethnicity? (Please select all that apply.)

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* 6. What is your age?

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* 7. How many hours do you work?

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* 8. How many hours do you study?

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* 9. Have you taken or are you taking remedial classes (english, math, or reading)?

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* 10. If yes, how many remedial courses are you taking or have taken?  (If no, skip this question)

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* 11. Are you the first to go to college in your family?

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* 12. Have you taken the Academic Probation workshop?

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* 13. What caused you to be on academic probation?  (Please select all that apply)

Please mark the number that corresponds with your answer.

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* 14. Educational counseling has helped me to understand what my academic standing means.

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* 15. Educational counseling has helped me to understand what academic probation means.

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* 16. Educational counseling has helped me to learn more about solving problems.

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* 17. As a result of educational counseling, I am more focused on my academic and life goals.

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* 18. Educational counseling has helped me to understand how I can improve my grades.

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* 19. Educational counseling has helped me to understand how I can get off academic probation.

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* 20. As a result of educational counseling, I have a better understanding of how to balance college and other responsibilities.

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* 21. As a result of educational counseling, I have a better understanding of my study habits and skills.

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* 22. Educational counseling has helped me to understand what resources are available on campus when I need help.

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* 23. As a result of educational counseling, I am more motivated to succeed in college.

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* 24. Educational counseling has helped me to focus more on what career I want to pursue.

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* 25. As a result of educational counseling, I am more likely to graduate from college.