Survey Instructions and Login

Welcome to the American Indian Health and Family Service's Healing Helper survey! Your responses are important to help us learn a little bit about the youth at-risk of suicide, the help the youth needed and if youth received this help.

MIIGWETCH (Thank you) FOR TAKING THE TIME TO FILL OUT THIS SURVEY FOR EACH YOUTH (ages 10 to 24) YOU IDENTIFIED AS BEING AT RISK FOR SUICIDE.  We are specifically interested in youth identified using your Gatekeeper Training (AFTER you were trained). 
The survey asks questions about:
1.  You                                          - - I. Healing Helper
2.  Youth at-risk for Suicide          - - II.  Early Identification Information & III. Youth's Demographic Information
3.  Help youth needed                  - - IV. Referral(s)
4.  Help youth received                - - V. Follow-up   
 If you have additional questions, please contact Jessica Kowalchuk, Sacred Bundle Project Program Manager, at (313) 846-3718, or, or Jennifer Hopson, Project Coordinator at

Question Title

* 1. Please create your unique and confidential identification number. Please follow the instructions to create your specific ID# below:

A) Your first and last initial (e.g. Sue Thomas = ST)

B) The two-digit month you were born (e.g. August = 08)

C) The year you were born (e.g. 1985)

Please write your 8 digit ID number here: (ST081985)